
I got my first camera from my Dad as a high school graduation present. I loved it, but the cost of film and processing was hard on a poor college student, so I never really grew. However, once I got my first digital camera, the cost of experimentation was $0. This is when it really took hold. Even though there have been  periods where I set the camera down for months or a year, I will always come back to this.

These galleries have 2 major themes. "Portfolios" have a theme and contain pics that I really think are good. The others are more like "travelogs". Not all of the photos are great, but the goal is to give a flavor of the location or subject.

These galleries will take a long time to fill. Going thru 20 years of photos is a rabbit hole. In the short term, there is a category below called "FULL". This will filter for galleries that actually have images in them.